Build Your Business

I’m going to break down how to build a virtual assistant website from start to finish. Once we’re done, you’re going to have all the tools you need!

I’m going to be 100% honest with you–I don’t know how to code. I can add a button to a page but that’s about it. My background is in social work, not graphic design. But I’ve still managed to build over a dozen websites. It’s only hard if you tell yourself it’s hard. That’ why […]

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I've learned the information clients really need to see on your site and how to make your process of finding virtual assistant clients simple as possible.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that I may earn a commission (at no cost to you) if you click through and sign up. I only promote products that I use personally and find essential in my business! One thing that I’ve learned while finding virtual assistant clients is the type […]

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One of my first clients was a consultant in the insurance industry. He was what I lovingly refer to as a “needy” client. I was on the phone with him every day (sometimes more than once) but he gave me very little work because he didn’t want to give up control of anything. I hit […]

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Here are a few of my favorite tricks to do to grow your virtual assistant business without the overwhelm (even when life is crazy!).

Last night, I told my therapist I feel like I’m walking a tightrope these days. My body is recovering slowly from a recent flare but my mind hasn’t caught up yet. Even though I’m capable of pushing myself a bit harder by doing the longer yoga class or taking on more of the housework, my […]

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When you want to work from home due to illness, you have to start by setting a routine, identifying your goals each day, and learning to push yourself.

It’s time for a piece of tough love–if you can’t follow a daily routine, working from home due to illness probably isn’t your jam.  And I get it…any person with a chronic illness has ups and downs. There are going to be days when sleeping is the best thing you can do for your business. […]

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I am allergic to hustle. If you are researching how to start a virtual assistant business, especially if you have a chronic illness, let me caution you–overnight success is not your friend. Yes, I know that your bills are piling up and you could really use the money. Yes, I understand that you need to […]

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But I learned quickly that organizing your virtual assistant business before you get too many clients is one of the smartest things you'll do. 

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that I may earn a commission (at no cost to you) if you click through and sign up. I only promote products that I use personally and find essential in my business! Sometimes, all the details you have to keep straight to organize your virtual […]

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Working within your zone of genius is about leveraging your strengths when when working with clients as a virtual assistant.

In the three years I’ve been working as a Virtual Assistant, I’ve learned there are two different approaches to working with clients as a Virtual Assistant. We all gravitate toward one or the other…and it totally impacts our success. For me, it’s really helped me to understand what approach I use so I could hone […]

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As a virtual assistant, there are two different pricing structures you hear about. Once I understood WHY each works, it was easier to structure my pricing.

Everyone has a different approach to virtual assistant pricing. When I started as a virtual assistant, I was just thrilled to get paid for the work I was doing. I was so desperate that I lived life on the edge. I bent over backward to land clients that weren’t even dream clients. My hourly rate […]

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