Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that I may earn a commission (at no cost to you) if you click through and sign up. I only promote products that I use personally and find essential in my business!
One thing that I’ve learned while finding virtual assistant clients is the type of client projects I do seem to come in waves. One month it seems like all I’m doing is creating podcasts and the next everyone wants an online course created. This month, I’ve been building websites.
It’s not my favorite but it’s a necessary evil.
It’s made me think back to building my first website three years ago for my virtual assistant business. I had NO clue what I was doing and felt like I was winging it the whole time.
Was it the best site I’ve ever created? Absolutely not.
But I had a legitimate website where people could learn about my services. While finding virtual assistant clients is possible without a website in the early days of your business, it’s not the best idea to go too long without one. It’s a double-edged sword–Your website will likely see very little traffic but you will lose potential clients if you don’t have one.
I bootstrapped my business starting out so I couldn’t shell out thousands of dollars for a bunch of bells and whistles I would never use. I taught myself how to build sites using easy to customize themes and lots of time on Google. Through trial and error, I learned the information clients really need to see on your site and how to make your process of finding virtual assistant clients as simple as possible.
Here are the three things every virtual assistant should have on their website:
1. Spell out the services you offer.
Don’t hide this on a services page in your menu. You need to share the value you provide on your homepage itself. Personally, I use this theme by BluChic on my site because it allows me to highlight the services my agency is known for in a quick and easy to navigate way. Choose 3 things that you LOVE to do…and then get specific about how this will help your clients in your business. Go beyond an overwhelming list and share the experience of having a virtual assistant.
2. Find Yourself Some Social Proof
Yes, you need to have testimonials. It’s not negotiable. People don’t buy from businesses–they buy from other people. And if they don’t hear from other business owners about the quality of your work, your potential client will walk away. If you’re just starting out and don’t have clients, doing a work swap with other online business owners is a great way to collect testimonials. If that business owner can help you with a simple logo and you can provide them with a month’s worth of Instagram content, you both win.
3. Make it ridiculously easy for people to schedule a discovery call with you.
An online scheduling tool like Calendly is a must for an online business owner. If you’re still clinging to your paper calendar, I totally feel you. But you need to have a place where you can block out availability for clients. On my website, I have the scheduling tool embedded into my services page. By doing this, you’re also showing potential clients that you value their time and know some tricks of the trade to help them take back their time.
Because I get asked about finding virtual assistant clients by having an amazing website, be on the lookout for the next blogs in this series where I’ll step you through actually building your website AND what tools I use to create beautiful sites for clients without having to know how to code.